
Making the Call

Making calls involves several skills, including speaking while playing, speaking with volume and annunciation, and timing. One way to practice is to focus on each of these in turn.

  1. Speaking While Playing: Play a "home" version of rhythm you’re very comfortable with, at a moderate tempo. Read each of the calls out loud while you continue playing (don’t DO any of the calls at this point – just call out the words). Take a belly breath between each call. If your playing stumbles, just begin again, and make the same call until you can do so while keeping the rhythm going smoothly, taking a belly breath each time. When you make a call smoothly while playing, move on to the next call.

  2. Speaking with volume and annunciation: Repeat the preceding exercise, and this time, focus on making the call distinctly, at a loud enough volume that a small group of other players could hear you above their drums. Again, don’t worry about following the direction of the call – just get the words out loud and clear.

  3. Timing: Repeat the preceding exercise, and this time, make each call on the FIRST beat of the rhythm’s cycle.

  4. Putting it together: Repeat steps 1-3, and this time, follow the instructions of the call. 
Happy practicing!

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